Non linear system modeling and control; Machine Learning and Data mining; Decision modeling (Multi-objective, cost-effective, cost-benefit, multi-criteria modeling, Integrated Assessment Modeling).
Efficient low carbon, air pollution and health policies including energy, end-of-pipe and behavioral measures. Energy transition modeling. Efficient energy production and consumption: mobility, hard-to-abate sectors.
Periodo di attività:
(gennaio 1, 2000 - )
Dati Generali
Gruppo di ricerca coordinata
Strutture collegate
Settori (17)
Parole chiave libere (6)
Air quality
Climate Change
Energy policy
Non linear modeling
No Results Found
Linee di ricerca (15)
Decision Modeling: cost-effective, cost-benefit, multi-objective approach
Descriptive modeling (prognostic and data-driven models, machine learning)
Energy Transition Modeling
Integrated Assessment Modeling
Progetto. ATHLETIC (Air quaIiTy and Life styles: HeaLTh Cobenefits), University of Brescia (IT) (2016-2018). ATHLETIC (Air quaIiTy and Life styles: HeaLTh Cobenefits), University of Brescia (IT) (2016-2018). Modelling assessment of health (direct and indirect) co-benefits due to behavioral changes (soft mobility, animal protein intake)
Progetto. BIOMASS Hub. POR FESR 2014-2020. Regione Lombardia (IT) (2019-2022). Circular economy of organic waste: air quality, GHG emission, health impact assessment of biomethane and hydrogen production and use in Lombardy Region.
Progetto. Data science to reduce agri-food impact on air quality in the Po Valley (AgriAir). Fondazione Cariplo (IT) (2021-2023)
Progetto. NINFA (2010-2011) Design of a modelling system to assess the emission reduction costs in Emilia Romagna, ARPA Emilia Romagna (IT)
Progetto. OPERA (Operational Pollution Emission Reduction Assessment), EU LIFE09ENV/IT/092 (2010-2013)
Progetto. QUITSAT, Italian Space Agency (I/035/06/0) (2006-2010). Air Quality monitoring, forecast and planning through the fusion of observations coming from polar and geostationary satellite sensors and ground-based data collected by DOAS spectrometry, multispectral solar radiometry, lidar techniques, chemical transport modeling, Integrated Assessment Modeling.
Progetto. RIAT (Regional Integrated Assessment Tool), EC JRC 384364 (2009-2010)
Progetto. Third part: CAMS use case on air quality planning in urban areas using the ATMOSYS-CAMS application, EU ECMWF/COPERNICUS/2017/CAMS_95f_VITO (2017-2018)
Progetto. VALUTA (Assessing the impact and the economic value of the Lombardia Region Air Quality Plan), ARPA Lombardia (IT) (2014-2015). Modelling assessment of the air quality, GHG emissions, health impacts due to the implementation of the Lombardy Region Air Quality plan
Progetto: Surrogate models identification and validation based on CTM results, EC JRC tender n.C686554.X0 (2018-2019)
progetto. FP7 APPRAISAL, Air Pollution Policies foR Assessment of Integrated Strategies At regional Local scales, EU FP7 308395 (2012-2015)
No Results Found
Collaborazione con altri Gruppi
Elenco di tutti gli autori
prof. Giorgio Guariso (Politecnico di Milano), prof. Michela Maione (Università di Urbino)
Partecipanti (3)
Pubblicazioni (155)
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