Luisa Ravagnani (Italy, 1976). She is a Researcher in Criminology at the University of Law, Brescia – Italy. She teaches in the Course of Criminology and Penitentiary Criminology the part concerning the EU regional and the international instruments for the protection of prisoners’human rights, and she thought in the course of legal clinics for the years 2012-2013; 2013-2014 at the University of Brescia She has been an Expert Judge at the Surveillance Court of Brescia since 2005. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Italian Society of Criminology as well as member of working groups on prison and alternative measures of the European Society of Criminology. She collaborate with some EU projects on the comparation of alternative sanctions and on the implementation of EU instruments for the protection of the rights of the prisoners. She has collaborated as a criminologyst in a case of death penalty in Oklahoma. Her main field of research and publications concern prison, sentence enforcement phase, prisoners’human rights. She is vice-president of the ngo Vol.Ca (Volontariato Carcere) and of the ngo Carcere e Territorio Onlus, both dealing with prisoners resettlement and prisoners’rights. She is volunteer in prison, authorised by the Italian Ministry of justice since 1996.