Dr. Collo was born in 1959. 1985: Medical Degree, University of Brescia, Italy. 1985-1990: resident in Obstetric and Gynaecology and research associate in the laboratory of Biotechnology, Dipartiemnto Materno-Infantile, University of Brescia, Italy. 1990-1994: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cell Biology Department, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla. Research activity: identification of new integrins and study of their role in cell differentiation, maturation and migration, in vitro and during mouse embryo development. 1994-1995: Scientist, Morphology Department University of Geneva, still working on integrins. 1995-1998: Scientist, Glaxo Institute for Molecular Biology, Molecular Biology Department, Geneva. Research activity: identification, expression mapping and cellular functional analysis of P2X ion channels in mammals, in particular in the central and peripheral nervous system, and in the immune system. 1998-2001: maternal leave. 2002-2004: Senior Scientist, Lab Head; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Division of Pharmacology, University of Brescia, Italy. Research activity: Study of methods for differentiation of mouse skin precursor in cells with neuronal phenotype for in-vitro pharmacological studies. 2004: Assistant Professor (ricercatore), Department of Biomedical Science and Biotechnology Division of Pharmacology, University of Brescia. Research activity: 1) Cellular e molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and neuroregeneration relevant for Parkinson’s Disease, Psychiatric Diseases and Dependence using Inducible pluripotent Stem cell derived neurons and primary cultures of mouse mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. 2) Characterization of cellular and molecular mechanism of action (MOA) of pharmacological agents relevant for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders related to dopamine system impairment such as Parkinson’s Disease and Substance Abuse.