Persona Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica... - Fausto Minelli is author of more than 90 scientific papers, 50 of which published in international journals or in international conferences; - His conference paper got the price “Best Student Paper: Structures Category” during the International conference ConMat ’05, Vancouver, Canada, August 22-24, 2005; - He was the advisor of about 30 master theses and co-advisor of about 100 master theses discussed at the University of Brescia, some of which with the support of foreign Universities; - He has been a member since 2008 of fib TG 4.2 “Ultimate Limit State Models”; - He has been a member since 2013 of fib TG 8.3: “Design of FRC Structures” ...
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